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Serén, N., Pinho, C.; Megía-Palma, R.; Aguilar, P., Žagar, A.; Andrade, P. & Carretero, M. A. (2025): Selection on the vascular-remodelling BMPER gene is associated with altitudinal adaptation in an insular lizard. Evolution Letters, 9(1): 41-50.

Sreeelatha, L. B.; Tarroso, P.; Nokelainen, O.; Boratyński Z. & Carretero, M. A. (2025): Environmental gradients in lizard colouration. Ecology and Evolution, 15: e71012.


Aguilar, P.; Andrade, P.; Dellinger, T.; Carretero, M. A. & Pérez i de Lanuza, G. (2024): Drivers of continuous colour variability in the Madeiran wall lizard (Teira dugesii). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 143: blae089.

Camacho, A.; Trefaut-Rodrigues, M.; Jayusi, R.; Harun, M.; Geraci, M.; Carretero, M. A.; Vinagre, C. & Tejedo, M. (2024):  Does heat tolerance predict animals’ geographic thermal limits? Science of the Total Environment, 917: 170-165. 

Gilbert, E.; Žagar, A.; López-Darias, M.; Megía-Palma, R.; Lister, K. A.; Jones, M. D.; Carretero. M. A.; Serén, N.; Beltran-Alvarez. P.; Wollenberg-Valero, K. C. (2024): Environmental factors influence cross-talk between a heat shock protein and an oxidative stress protein modification in the lizard Gallotia galloti. PLoS ONE,19(3): e0300111. 

Guilherme, F.; Gonçalves, J. A.; Carretero, M. A. & Farinha-Marques, P. (2023): Assessment of land cover trajectories as an indicator of urban habitat temporal continuity. Landscape and Urban Planning, 242: 104932.

Guilherme, F.; Vicente, J.R.; Carretero, M.A. & Farinha-Marques, P. (2024): Mapping multigroup responses to land cover legacy for urban biodiversity conservation. Biological Conservation, 291: 110508.

Iwińska, K.; Wirowska, M.; Borowski, Z.; Boratyński, Z.; Solecki, P.; Ciesielski. M. & Boratyński, J. S. (2024): Energy allocation is revealed while behavioural performance persists after fire disturbance. Journal of  Experimental Biology, 227(5): jeb247114.

Megía-Palma, R.; Palomar, G.; Martínez, J.; Antunes, B.; Dudek, K.; Žagar, A.; Seren, N.; Carretero, M. A.; Babik, W. & Merino, S. (2024): Lizard host abundances explain genetic diversity of blood parasites on an oceanic island. Molecular Ecology, 33: e17276. 

Mochales-Riaño, G.; Barroso, F. M.; Marques, V.; Telea, A.; Sannolo, M.; Rato, C. & Carretero, M. A. (2024): Novel method to investigate thermal exchange in small reptiles. A proof-of-concept on the gecko Tarentola mauritanica. PLoS One, 19(12): e0316283.

Nunes, S. & Carretero, M. A. (2024): Insights into tail bifurcation and regeneration rates in the Madeira wall lizard Teira dugesii from Azores. North-Western Journal of Zoology, 20(2): 168-171.

Rato, C.; Silva-Rocha, I. & Sillero, N. (2024): What does the future hold for a thermophilus and widely introduced gecko, Tarentola mauritanica (Squamata: Phyllodactylidae)? Biological Invasions, 26: 1061-1074.

Reyes-Puig, C.; Enriquez-Urzelai, U.; Carretero, M. A. & Kaliontzopoulou, A. (2024): Is it all about size? Dismantling the integrated phenotype to understand species coexistence and niche segregation. Functional Ecology, 38(11): 2350-2368. 

Žagar, A.; Megia-Palma, R.; Simčič, T.; Dajčman, U.; Barroso, F. M.; Baškiera, S. & Carretero, M. A. (2024): Analysis of subcellular energy metabolism in five Lacertidae lizards across varied environmental conditions. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A, 297: 111729. 


Hastings, B. T.; Melnyk, A.; Ghyabi, M.; White, E.; Barroso, F.; Carretero, M. A.; Lattanzi, D.; Claude, J.& Chiari, Y. (2023). Melanistic coloration does not influence thermoregulation in the crepuscular gecko Eublepharis macularius. Biology Open, 12: bio060114.

Lövy, M.; Boratyński, Z.; Okrouhlík J.; Svačinová L.; Meheretu, Y. & Šumbera R. (2023): Alternative highland adaptations: organ masses and fur insulation in Afroalpine rodents. Journal of Zoology, 319(2): 119-130.

Marques, V.; Riaño, G.; Carretero, M. A.; Silva-Rocha, I. & Rato, C. (2023): Sex determination and optimal development in the Moorish Gecko, Tarentola mauritanica.  Acta Zoologica, 104: 419-433. 

Nóbrega, EK, Toshkova, N, Gonçalves, A, Reis, A, Soto, EJ, Ruiz, SP, Mata, VA, Rato, C, Rocha, R. 2023. Insights into the distribution, phylogeny, and diet of Pipistrellus maderensis in Porto Santo, northeastern Macaronesia. Web Ecology. 23: 87-98.

Rato, C., Deso, G., Renet, J., Delaugerre, M.J., Marques, V., Mochales-Riaño, G. (2023). Colonization routes uncovered in a widely introduced Mediterranean gecko, Tarentola mauritanica (Squamata: Phyllodactylidae). Scientific Reports, 16: 16681.

Serén, N.; Megía-Palma, R.; Simčič, T.; Krofel, M.; Guarino, F. M.; Pinho, C.; Žagar, A. & Carretero, M. A. (2023): Functional responses in a lizard along a 3.5 km altitudinal gradient. Journal of Biogeography, 50: 2042–2056. 

Sherpa, S.; Paris, J.; Silva-Rocha, I.; Di Carnio., V.; Carretero, M. A. & Ficetola, G. F. & Salvi, D. (2023): Genetic depletion does not prevent rapid evolution in lizards introduced into islands. Ecology and Evolution, 16(11): e10721.

Sreelatha, L. B.; Pérez i de Lanuza, G.; Oskyrko. O.; Gomes, V.; Andrade, P.; Boratyński, Z. & Carretero, M. A. (2023): Population dependent behavioural responses among colour morphs of European wall lizard (Podarcis muralis)? Acta Herpetologica, 18(2): 67-73.


Aguilar, P.; Andreade, P.; Afonso, S.; Carretero, M. A.; Perez i de Lanuza, G. & Pinho, C. (2022): No genomic repercussions of assortative pairing in a color polymorphic lizard. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 35(4): 648-656. 

Dajčman, U.; Carretero, M. A.; Megía-Palma, R.; Perera, A.; Kostanjšek, R. & Žagar, A. (2022): Shared infections in competing lacertids. Parasitology, 149: 193-202.

Gyhrs, C.; Macedo, T.; Bastos, B.; Salgado-Irazabal, X.; Hammadi, M.; Bouarakia, O. & Boratyński, Z. (2022) :High level of daily heterothermy in desert gerbils. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 38, 451–453.

Enriquez-Urzelai, U. & Boratyński, Z. (2022): Energetic dissociation of individual and species ranges. Biology Letters, 18: 20210374. 

Gomes, V.; Žagar, A.; Pérez i de Lanuza, G.; Simčič, T. & Carretero, M.A. (2022): Is it function or fashion? An integrative analysis of morphology, performance, and metabolism in a colour polymorphic lizard. Diversity, 14(2): 116.

Guilherme, F.; García-Moreno, E.: Gonçalves, J. A.; Carretero, M. A. & Farinha-Marques, P. (2022): Looking closer at the patterns of land cover in the city of Porto, Portugal, between 1947 and 2019 – a contribution for the integration of ecological data in spatial planning. Land, 11: 1828. 

Kivisaari, K.; Calhim, S.; Lehmann, P,; Boratyński, Z.; Mousseau, T.A.; Møller, A.P. & Mappes T. (2022): Chronic background radiation correlates with sperm swimming endurance in bank voles from Chernobyl. Front Ecol Evol, 9:736389.

Limnios, A.; Adamopoulou, C; Carretero, M. A. & Pafilis, P. (2022): Invasive Italian wall lizards outcompete native congeneric species in finding food in a Y-maze. Acta Ethologica, 25: 43-55. 

Macedo, T.; Campos. J. C.; Nokelainen O.; Scott-Samuel, N. E. & Boratyński, Z. (2022). The effect of spatial and temporal scale on camouflage in North African rodents. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 137(3): 523–533.

Martins, B.; Silva-Rocha, I.; Mata, V.A.; Gonçalves Y.; Rocha R. & Rato, C. (2022); Trophic interactions of an invasive gecko in an endemic-rich oceanic island: Insights using DNA metabarcoding. Front. Ecol. Evol. 10: 1044230.

Melcore, I., Bertolino S. & Boratyński Z. (2022): Variation of rodents’ body temperature across elevation in Alps. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 95(6):517-524.

Rato, C.; Dellinger, T. & Carretero, M. A. (2022):  Dietary Variation Is Driven by Landscape Heterogeneity in an Insular Omnivorous Endemic Lizard, Revealed by DNA Metabarcoding. Diversity, 14: 108.

S’khifa, A.; Carretero, M. A.; Harris, D.J. & Slimani, T. (2022): Ecophysiological conservativeness and size-mediated plasticity in the high mountain lizard Atlantolacerta andreanskyi confirm its vulnerability to climate change, Salamandra, 58(2): 139-150.

Silva-Rocha, I.; Santos, J. M.; Rocha, R. & Rato C. (2022): Bioclimatic and local drivers modulating the expansion of an introduced temperate reptile in a subtropical island. Global Ecology and Conservation, 37: e02164.

Žagar, A.; Carretero, M. A. & de Groot, M. (2022): Time changes everything: A multispecies analysis of temporal patterns in water loss. Oecologia, 198: 905–915. 

Žagar, A., Simčič, T., Dajčman, U. & Megía-Palma, R. (2022): Parasitemia and elevation as predictors of hemoglobin concentration and antioxidant capacity in two sympatric lizards. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A, 270: 111233.


Bastos B, Pradhan N, Tarroso P, Brito JC &  Boratyński Z. (2021): Environmental determinants of minimum body temperature in mammals. J Vertebr Biol  70(2): 21004. 1-12.

Fernández-Rodríguez, I.; Barroso, F. M. & Carretero, M. A. (2021): An integrative analysis of the short-term effects of tail autotomy on thermoregulation and dehydration rates in wall lizards (Podarcis bocagei). Journal of Thermal Biology, 99: 102976.

Koziel, G.; S`khifa, A.; Kirchhof, S.; MacLeod, A.; Joger, U.; Sinervo, B.; Carretero, M. A.; Slimani, T. & Vences, M. (2021): Inferred preferred temperatures of lizards differ substantially among experimental methods. Salamandra, 57(2): 263-273.

Le Galliard, J. F.; Chabaud, C.; Brischoux, F.; Carretero, M. A.; Dupoué, A.; Gavira, R.; Lourdais, O; Sannolo, M. & van Dooren, T. J. M. (2021): A global and annotated database of evaporative water loss rates in squamate reptiles of the world. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30: 1938-1950.

Sillero, N.; dos Santos, R.; Teodoro, A. C. & Carretero, M. A. (2021): Ecological niche models improve home ranges estimations. Journal of Zoology. 313: 145-157.

Simbula, G.; Macale, D.; Gomes, V.; Vignoli, L. & Carretero, M. A. (2021): Effects of pesticides on eggs and hatchlings of the Italian wall lizard (Podarcis siculus) exposed via maternal route. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 293: 149-155.

Simbula, G.; Vignoli, L.; Carretero, M. A. & Kaliontzopoulou, A. (2021): Fluctuating asymmetry as biomarker of pesticides exposure in the Italian wall lizards (Podarcis siculus). Zoology, 147: 125928.

Sreelatha, L. B.; Boratyński, Z.; Carretero, M. A.; Pérez-Lanuza, G. & Klomp, D. A. (2021): Do colour morphs of European wall lizards express differential personalities? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 133: 1139-1151.


Abalos, J., Pérez-Lanuza, G., Bartolomé, A., Liehrmann, O., Laakonen, H., Aubret, F., Uller, T., Carazo, P. & Font, E. (2020). No evidence for differential sociosexual behavior and space use in the color morphs of the European common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis). Ecology and Evolution 10: 10986-11005.

Barroso, F. M.*; Riaño, G. M.*; Sannolo, M. & Carretero, M. A. & Rato, C. (2020): Evidence from Tarentola mauritanica (Gekkota: Phyllodactylidae) helps validate thermography as a tool to infer internal body temperatures of lizards. Journal of Thermal Biology, 93: 102700. 

Boratyński, Z. (2020): Energetic constraints on mammalian home range size. Functional Ecology, 34: 468-474.

Boratyński Z., Szyrmer M. & Koteja P. (2020): The metabolic performance predicts home range size of bank voles: a support for the behavioral-bioenergetic theory. Oecologia 193: 547-556.

Civantos, E., Arribas, R. & Martín, J. (2020). Niche occupancy of two (congeneric) skinks in an islands environment. Amphibia-Reptilia, 41: 337-347.

Damas-Moreira, I; Riley, J. L.; Carretero, M. A.; Harris, D. J. & Whiting, M. J. (2020): Getting ahead: Exploitative competition by an invasive lizard. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 74: 117.

Gomes, V.; Herrel, A.; Carretero, M. A. & Kaliontzopoulou, A. (2020): New insights into bite performance: morphological trade-offs underlying the duration and magnitude of bite force. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 93(3): 175-184.

Lavrinienko A, Tukalenko E, Kesäniemi J, Kivisaari K, Masiuk S, Boratyński Z, Mousseau TA, Milinevsky G, Mappes T, Watts P. (2020). Applying the Anna Karenina principle for wild animal gut microbiota: temporal stability of the bank vole gut microbiota in a disturbed environment. J Anim Ecol. 89: 2617-2630.

Megía-Palma, R.; Arregui, L.; Pozo, I.; Žagar, A.; Serén, N.; Carretero, M. A.; Merino, S. (2020): Geographic patterns of stress response in insular lizards reveal anthropogenic and climatic signatures. Science of Total Environment, 749: 141655.

Nokelainen O, Sreelatha L, Brito JC, Campos JC, Scott-Samuel N, Valkonen J, Boratyński Z. (2020): Camouflage in arid environments: the case of Sahara-Sahel desert rodents. J Vertebr Biol, 69(2):1-12.

Sannolo, M.; Civantos, E.; Martín, J. & Carretero, M. A. (2020): Variation in field body temperature and resistance to dehydration along an environmental gradient in a diurnal ectotherm. Journal of Zoology, 310 221-231.

Sillero, N.: Matos, C.; Franch, M.; Kaliontzopoulou, A. & Carretero, M. A. (2020): Local segregation of realised niches in lizards. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9: 764.

S’khifa, A.; Koziel, G.; Vences, M.; Carretero, M. A. & Slimani, T. (2020): Ecophysiology of a lacertid community in the high Moroccan mountains suggests conservation guidelines. Journal of Thermal Biology. 94: 102743.



Andrade, P.; Pinho, C.; Pérez i de Lanuza, G.; Afonso, S.; Brejcha, J.; Rubin, C. J.; Wallerman, O.; Pereira, P.; Sabatino, S.; Bellati, A.; Pellitteri-Rosa, D.; Bosakova, Z.; Bunikis, I.; Carretero, M. A.; Feiner, N.; Marsik, P.; Paupério, F.; Salvi, D.; Soler, L.; While, G. M.; Uller, T.; Font, E.; Andersson, L. & Carneiro, M. (2019): Regulatory changes in pterin and carotenoid genes underlie balanced color polymorphisms in the wall lizard. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 116(12): 5633-5642.

Arakelian, M.; Harutyunyan, T.; Aghayan, S. A. & Carretero, M. A. (2019): Infection of parthenogenetic lizards by blood parasites does not support the “Red Queen hypothesis” but reveals the costs of sex. Zoology, 136: 125709.

Ferreira, D.; Pinho, C.; Brito, J. C. & Santos, X. (2019): Increase of genetic diversity indicates ecological opportunities in recurrent-fire landscapes for wall lizards. - Scientific Reports, 9: 5383.

Garcia-Porta, J.; Irisarri, I.; Kirchner, M.; Kirchhof, S.; Brown, J. L.; MacLeod, A.; Turner, A. P.; Ahmadzadeh, F.; Albadalejo, G.; Crnobrnja-Isailović, J.; de la Riva, I.; Fawzi, A.; Galán, P.; Göçmen, B.; Harris, D. J.; Jiménez-Robles, O.; Joger, U.; Jovanović-Glavaš, O.; Karış, M.; Koziel, G.;  Künzel, S.; Lyra, M.; Miles, D.; Nogales, M.J.; Oğuz, M. A.; Pafilis, P.; Rancilhac, L.;  Rodríguez, N.; Rodríguez-Concepción, B.; Sanchez, E.; Salvi, D.; Slimani, T.; S’khifa, A.; Quasqaei, A,; Žagar, A.; Lemmon, A.; Lemmon, E.; Carretero, M. A.; Carranza, S.; Philippe, H.; Sinervo, B.; Müller, J.; Vences, M. & Wollemberg-Valero, K. C. (2019): Environmental temperatures shape thermal physiology as well as diversification and genome-wide substitution rates in lizards. Nature Communications, 10: 4077.

Pereira, J. J.: Lopes, E.; Carretero, M. A.* & Vasconcelos, R.* (2019): Insular geckos provide experimental evidence on refuge selection priorities by ectotherms. Behavioural Processes, 164: 260-267.  [*equal contribution]

Pérez-Lanuza, G., Bellati, A.; Pelliteri-Rosa, D., Font, E. & Carretero, M. A. (2019): Chromatic variability and similarity in different lineages of a colour polymorphic lizard. Journal of Zoology, 308: 175-187.

Santos, J.; Žagar, A.; Drašler, K.; Rato, C.; Ayres, C.; Harris, D.J.; Carretero, M. A. & Salvi, D. (2018): Phylogeographic evidence for multiple long distance introductions of the common wall lizard associated with human trade and transport. Amphibia-Reptilia, 40(1): 121-127.


Sannolo, M. & Carretero, M. A. (2019): Dehydration constrains thermoregulation and space use in lizards. PLoS One, 14(7): e0220384.

Sannolo, M.; Ponti, R. & Carretero, M. A. (2019): Waitin’ on a sunny day: factors affecting lizard body temperature while hiding from predators. Journal of Thermal Biology, 84: 146-153.

Silva-Rocha, I.; Salvi, D.; Carretero, M. A. & Ficetola, G. F. (2019): Alien reptiles on Mediterranean islands: a model for invasion biogeography. Diversity and Distributions, 25: 995-1005.


Carretero, M. A.; García-Muñoz, E.; Argaña, E.; Freitas, S.; Corti, C.; Arakelyan, M. & Sillero, N. (2018): Parthenogenetic Darevskia Lizards Mate Frequently if they have the Chance. A Quantitative Analysis of Copulation Marks in a Sympatric Zone. Journal of Natural History, 52(7-8): 405-413.

Ćorović, J.; Popović, M.; Cogălniceanu, D.; Carretero, M. A. & Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2018): A habitat suitability model for an elusive lizard species: Darevskia praticola on the western edge of its distribution range. Journal of Natural History, 52 (29-30): 1909-1925.

Ficetola, G. F.; Barzaghi, B.; Melotto, A.; Muraro, M.; Lunghi, E.;  Canedoli, C.; Lo Parrino, E.; Nanni, V.; Silva-Rocha, I.; Urso, A.; Carretero, M. A.; Salvi, D.; Scali, S.; Scari, G.; Pennati, R.; Andreone, F. & Manenti, R. (2018): N-mixture models reliably estimate the abundance of small vertebrates. Scientific Reports, 8: 10357.

Gomes, V.; Carretero, M. A. & Kaliontopoulou, A. (2018): Run for your life, but bite for your rights? How interactions between natural and sexual selection shape functional morphology across habitats. The Science of Nature, 105: 9.

Pérez i de Lanuza, G.; Ábalos, J.; Bartolomé, A.; Font, E. (2018). Through the eye of a lizard: hue discrimination in a lizard with ventral polymorphic coloration. Journal of Experimental Biology, 221, jeb169565.

Pérez i de Lanuza, G.; Carretero, M.A. (2018). Partial divergence in microhabitat use suggests environmental-dependent selection on a colour polymorphic lizard. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 72, 138.

Pérez i de Lanuza, G.; Sillero, N.; Carretero, M.A. (2018). Climate suggests environment-dependent selection on lizard colour morphs. Journal of Biogeography, 5, 2791-2802.

Sannolo, M.; Barroso, F. M. & Carretero, M. A. (2018): Physiological differences in preferred temperatures and evaporative water loss rates in two sympatric lacertid species. Zoology, 126: 58-64

Santos, X.; Azor, J. S.; Cortés, S.; Rodríguez, E.; Larios, J. & Pleguezuelos, J. M. (2018): Ecological significance of dorsal polymorphism in a Batesian mimic snake. Current Zoology, 64: 745-753.

Santos, X.; Navarro, S.; Campos, J. C.; Sanpera, C. & Brito, J.C. (2018): Stable isotopes uncover trophic ecology of the West African crocodile (Crocodylus suchus). Journal of Arid Environments, 148: 6-13.

Sillero, N.; Argaña, E.; Freitas, S.; García-Muñoz, E.; Arakelian, M.; Corti, C. & Carretero, M. A. (2018): Short term spatial structure of a lizard (Darevskia sp.) community in Armenia. Acta Herpetologica, 13(2): 155-163.

Tomé, B.; Pereira, A.; Jorge, F.; Carretero, M. A.; Harris, D. J. & Perera, A. (2018): Along for the ride or missing it altogether: host-specificity and diversity of haemogregarines in the Canary Islands. Parasites and Vectors, 11: 190.

Tirado, C.; Trujillo, D.; Pizarro-Araya, J.; Alfaro, F. M.; González, S. & Carretero, M. A. (2018): Ecophysiological traits and activity patterns of coleopterans from Atacama Desert provide clues to the functional responses of small ectotherms to climate change. Journal of Arid Environments, 150: 21-27.

Žagar, A.; Carretero, M. A.; Marguč, D.; Simčič, T. & Vrezec, A. (2018): A metabolic syndrome in terrestrial ectotherms with opposite elevation and distribution patterns. Ecography, 41: 1728-1739.


Badiane, A.; Matos, C. & Santos X. (2017): Uncovering environmental, land-use and fire effects on the distribution of a low dispersal species, the Hermann's tortoise Testudo hermanni. Amphibia-Reptilia, 38: 67-77.

Badiane A, Pérez-Lanuza G, García-Custodio MC, Carazo P, Font E (2017) Colour patch size and measurement error using reflectance spectrophotometry. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 8: 1585-1593.

Boratyński, Z.; Brito J.C.; Campos, J. C.; Cunha, J. L.; Granjon, L.; Mappes, T.; Ndiaye, A.; Rzebik-Kowalska, B. & Serén, N. (2017): Repeated evolution of camouflage in speciose desert rodents. Scientific Reports, 7: 3522.

Carneiro, D.; García-Muñoz, E.; Žagar, A.; Pafilis, P. & Carretero, M. A. (2017): Is ecophysiology congruent with the present-day relictual distribution of a lizard group? Evidence from preferred temperatures and water loss rates. Herpetological Journal, 27: 47-56.

Ferreira, D.; Žagar, A. & Santos X. (2017): Uncovering the rules of (reptile) species coexistence in transition zones between bioregions. Salamandra, 53: 193-200.

Gomes, V.; Carretero, M. A. & Kaliontzopoulou, A. (2017): Instantaneous versus interval speed estimates of maximum locomotor capacities for whole-organism performance studies. Evolutionary Biology, 44: 551-560.

Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, J.; Gonçalves, J. F. ; Civantos, E. & Martínez-Solano, E. (2017): Comparative landscape genetics of pond-breeding amphibians in Mediterranean temporal wetlands: The positive role of structural heterogeneity in promoting gene flow. Molecular Ecology 26: 5407-5420.

Kleiman, N,K.; Lavrinienko, A.; Kivisaari, K.; Boratyński, Z.; Dauer, L.; Mappes, T. & Mousseau T. (2017): Radiation cataract in Chernobyl voles. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 58(8):20.

Kesäniemi, J.; Boratynski, Z.; Danforth, J.; Itam, P.; Jernfors, T.; Lavrinienko, A. & Watts, P. C. (2018): Analysis of heteroplasmy in bank voles inhabiting the Chernobyl exclusion zone: A commentary on Baker et al. (2017) “Elevated mitochondrial genome variation after 50 generations of radiation exposure in a wild rodent.” Evol Appl, 1–7.

Lazić, M. M.; Carretero, M. A.; Zivković, U. & Crnobrnja-Isailović, J. (2017): City life has fitness costs: reduced body condition and increased parasite load in urban common wall lizards, Podarcis muralis. Salamandra, 53(1): 10-17.

Martín, N.; Martínez, S.; Pujol-Buxó, E.; Viñolas, A.; Llorente, G. A.; Sanpera, C.; Vasconcelos, R.; Carranza, S. & Santos X. (2017): Stable isotopes and diet uncover trophic-niche divergence and ecological diversification processes of endemic reptiles on Socotra Island. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 267: 69-81.

Martínez-Freiría, F.; Pérez i de Lanuza, G.; Pimenta, A.A.; Pinto, T. & Santos X. (2017): Aposematism and crypsis are not enough to explain dorsal polymorphism in the Iberian adder. Acta Oecologica, 85: 165-173.

Pérez i de Lanuza, G.; Carretero, M A.;& Font, E. (2017): Intensity of male-male competition predicts population morph diversity in a colour polymorphic lizard. Evolution, 71(7): 1832-1840.

Sancho, V.; Vasconcelos, R.; Llorente, G. A.& Santos X. (2017): Morphological differentiation of the complex Pristurus sokotranus (Squamata: Sphaerodactylidae) from Socotra (Yemen). Zootaxa, 4324 (1): 063–084.

Vasconcelos, R.; Rocha, S. & Santos X. (2017): Sharing refuges on arid islands: ecological and social influence on aggregation behaviour of wall geckos. PeerJ, 5: e2802. DOI 10.7717/peerj.2802

Žagar, A.; Carretero, M. A.; Vrezec, A.; Drašler, K. & Kaliontzopoulou, A. (2017): Towards a functional understanding of species co-existence: Ecomorphological variation in relation to the whole-organism performance in two sympatric lizards. Functional Ecology, 31: 1780-1791.

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